Not Quite Overwhelmed, Just Whelmed.

Passover today; getting ready to go to our friends/neighbor’s house for tonight’s seder.  No bread or pasta for a week…the hardest part is not missing it, but is being aware enough to not just eat stuff that you’re not supposed to eat without thinking about it.  Generally, failure occurs on the 3rd day as you start going about your normal life and you cram a zone bar in your face after a workout – BOOM! You’re going to hell – oh yeah, no hell – we have the privilege of suffering here. Preparation has been a little stressful, but not too bad. Just lots to do without dropping important things like laundry and cleaning the house.  The second seder is at our house, so the big push comes tomorrow.

Been a few days off the blog here…It snowed this morning.  REALLY??? WTF?Okay, in the grand scheme of things, I’d much rather get more snow than be in Houston and sweating my mother-loving ass off for 9 months out of the year.  It was sort of pretty and so what, it’s a little cold.  I have a theory about cold vs hot:  When it’s cold, you can always add another layer or hat or something and that’s okay; with hot weather, you can only take so much off before you get arrested for indecent exposure and depending on what you look like, indecent exposure can have varying degrees.  Some people make me a little woozy fully dressed God forbid if they had to take it down to the Froot of the Looms!

Yesterday was soccer day for the kids.  Ela’s game (thank you!) was cancelled because the fields were way too muddy.  Ben’s game was moved to his same location but the other side of the property.  It was still pretty muddy, but not nearly as bad as last week.  Last week was the pits (pit in more than one way).  My car still smells of a combination of [me], dirty dog, and wet stank feet!  This week we just got a tiny bit muddy and it wasn’t as hot, so the smell wasn’t as pervasive.  We also knew to bring our boots so that we didn’t ruin our shoes.  I spent hours on the patio spraying shoes with the water hose last time and the water coming out of the hose was REALLY cold!  My fingers are still numb.  Benjamin’s loving his soccer games – albeit they aren’t really games.  The coaches get the kids together and do a few “exercises.”  They run around the field and try to dribble the ball or stay away from the coaches just to get them thinking about technique, then the kids are divided into teams of 3 or 4 and they go play an informal game.  Ben scored an uncontested goal on his own goal, but nobody said anything because it was an awesome goal!  Man, he drove up the field and fired that ball like he was made out of C4 explosives!!!  These kids’ games are WAY more fun than pro sports.  I never laugh so hard at pro games.  They are happy, spirited and funny as all hell!

Ela’s games are more structured, but they still don’t really keep score or use a dedicated goalie.  Ela is much more competitive than Ben is.  Her first season, she had the habit of stiff-arming other players – oops, wrong type of football.  She also has no fear; she will headlong into another kid before she backs down from the ball.  Ela is the entire package of “jump in with both feet.”  Maybe it’s “damn the torpedos.”  I dunno.

Back from the Seder. It was really nice. The food was great and the company was fabulous. Tomorrow’s my turn to run the show. Shayna’s home tomorrow, so it’ll be easier. She’ll be able to hold everything in her head so I’m not going nuts. She’s really good at juggling lots of balls in the air

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