Jumping through my ass…

Ever have one of those days where you NEVER stop doing laundry? Well, today was one of those days! Tomorrow I have a t least three more to go. This was a direct result of the muddy soccer weekend we had. I don’t care how big your washer is, coats take up a ton of washer space and take forever to dry.

Nice thing is that the weather is getting much nicer and the kids are almost out of coats for now, So washing them wasn’t a fire drill. Ela noticed today that the hedges that surround our property did NOT have leaves on them this morning, but when we walked by them coming back from the bus stop, THEY DID! She was delighted. Spring is coming! I noticed it too, but didn’t think that she would. She is so tuned into her surroundings and is so observant.

Okay, it’s late (for me) and I need to wind down in front of Mythbusters while reading a book so I can go to sleep.

Hey! I finally made myself a blog!

Does this this thing date automatically??? Anyway, it’s Sunday, April 10, 2011. Today was Benjamin’s first day of soccer. It was hilarious! The field was really wet and everybody got soaked and muddy. Ben had a terrific time. He said that he made 6 goals, but in reality, he never got close. He did, though, head directly towards the goal and continued on past the goal at least six times. Maybe that’s what he considered a goal.

After soccer, we went to Dairy Queen with our amazing neighbors, Alexis (and her father) and David, and hung out there (to dry – we were a mess) and enjoyed the unusually hot day today. It was about 85 – but will be back at 40 in the AM.

This evening, Ben got a killer headache – I think he was exhausted and a little dehydrated. Penny, our dog, took a bath with Ela, who was extraordinary in her gentileness while bathing with her. Needless to say, Penny got (the zooms) after the bath and gave us a ton of impromptu entertainment.

Everyone’s asleep now and it’s a total joy to see such a beautiful family – nice and quiet…Quiet is good!