I’m Back (I think) – With Fewer Books

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It’s been a very long time since I’ve written anything in this blog. I don’t know why, but every time I’ve taken the time to do it, I felt like there’s been nothing to say. The last  years has been immensely stressful, but we’ve been getting through it pretty well. To make a long story short, since September of 2014, we have 3 major moves; with another major move coming again in the next month. There’s a lot more to it than that, but suffice it to say that we’ve had enough moving. The upside is that I’m getting very good at organizing all of our crap and I’ve given away/thrown out TONS of stuff that I just don’t want to see anymore. We had easily 50 cases of books. When I read, I get emotionally attached to the books that I’ve finished. They’re hard to just give away. But after walking up (or down) thousands of stairs with hundreds of boxes, you start getting a little jaded. When the kids and I went through the books this time, we were ruthless! If it wasn’t a first-edition, special binding, or signed by the author or relative, it was GONE! Textbooks, musical transcriptions, essays – GONE! In the next couple of weeks, the movers are coming back. I get to go through all of our stuff one more time to see if I can lighten the load.

There’s really nothing much more to say, except for the fact that I’m back writing and will try to keep this blog updated. I might even add a YouTube channel and video links…Who knows!

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