Mo and Jo have left the building.

Have you ever had one of those days at the gym where everything’s just extra hard (yeah, I know, “that’s what she said!”)?  (Advertisement) This is why I wear the Polar RS400 heart rate monitor (End Advertisement)!  Seriously, I felt totally broken yesterday.  On a normal day I can do cardio for between 60 and 90 minutes and bounce between zones 4-5 the whole time.  Most machines have a heart rate program where they will do that for you, which is great because I hate monitoring my watch or watching a timer for the entire workout.

Back to the gym tomorrow

Been about 2 weeks since I’ve been to the gym.  Feels like forever!  Tomorrow I’m back to it. I’ve been doing exercize in the form of yard work, but the intense cardio just feels tons better to me.  The yard is looking killer, though and I should have a top-shelf garden this year.  Now I have to figure out exactly what is in my garden.  The former owner of our house put a ton of flowers in the ground and I know absolutely nothing about flora.  Interesting, I can make them grow and at the same time not know anything about them.  This year, I’m going to draw out a map of the garden as I find out exactly what’s growing in there.  Good luck, right?